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Apply for GSB international exchange programmes in the spring semester 2021-2022

Apply for GSB international exchange programmes in the spring semester 2021-2022
GSB International Office has announced the call for applications for GSB mobility programmes in the Spring semester 2021-2022.

HSE University Graduate School of Business achieves 3 level in the Positive Impact Rating Edition 2021

HSE University Graduate School of Business achieves 3 level in the Positive Impact Rating Edition 2021
Graduate School of Business was recognized for its social impact and sustainability achievements when the Positive Impact Rating (PIR) results were launched at the UN PRME Global Forum. Graduate School of Business was one of 47 business schools from 21 countries worldwide that took part in the rating this year and achieved Level 3, making it a Progressing school within the PIR. 

Call for papers: "Global Smart Cities in the 21st Century: Screening best business practices and policies from Moscow, Los Angeles, Shanghai and Hamburg"

Call for papers: "Global Smart Cities in the 21st Century: Screening best business practices and policies from Moscow, Los Angeles, Shanghai and Hamburg"
ВШБ НИУ ВШЭ совместно с департаментом бизнеса факультета бизнеса и социальных наук Гамбургского университета прикладных наук объявляет прием заявок на студенческий проект "Глобальные умные города в 21 веке: лучшие практики и опыт из Москвы, Лос-Анджелеса, Шанхая и Гамбурга". Со стороны ВШБ проект инициирован Лабораторией стратегий и операций в международном бизнесе.

Ramesh Roshan Das Guru, a senior lecturer from the University of Geneva delivered a course for students in the Marketing and Market Analytics programme

Ramesh Roshan Das Guru, a senior lecturer from the University of Geneva delivered a course for students in the Marketing and Market Analytics programme

Results of the GSB First International Case Championship

Results of the GSB First International Case Championship
The first International Case Championship was held at the Graduate School of Business. Ten teams from 5 countries - Austria, Hungary, Germany, France, and Russia - competed for the first prize. Participants were offered to solve a case on sustainable development for IKEA, which set an ambitious goal to convert the entire last-mile delivery fleet to electric cars. Students from the Vienna University of Economics and Business (Austria) and the University of Pecs (Hungary) came first and third. Students from the Business Informatics program of the Graduate School of Business, Sergey Kazaryan, Fedor Volgunov, Polina Luneva, Daria Martynenko and Stefania Kharitonova, were awarded the second prize. Our congratulations to the winners!

Prof. Dr. Natalia Ribberink Visited Graduate School of Business

Prof. Dr. Natalia Ribberink Visited Graduate School of Business

Registration is open for the interdisciplinary trial exam "Management and Business Communications", organized according to the GMAT test model

Registration is open for the interdisciplinary trial exam "Management and Business Communications", organized according to the GMAT test model

GSB faculty members successfully complete the EFMD training programme “Online Teaching Academy: Moving beyond remote teaching to master all aspects of online education”

GSB faculty members successfully complete the EFMD training programme “Online Teaching Academy: Moving beyond remote teaching to master all aspects of online education”

HSE Graduate School of Business Has Joined the PRME Initiative (Principles for Responsible Management Education)

HSE Graduate School of Business Has Joined the PRME Initiative (Principles for Responsible Management Education)

Open Meeting with Nikolay Kozak, Chairman of the Academic Council of the 'Electronic Business and Digital Innovations' Master's Programme, Director of Digital Transformation at DOM.RF

Open Meeting with Nikolay Kozak, Chairman of the Academic Council of the 'Electronic Business and Digital Innovations' Master's Programme, Director of Digital Transformation at DOM.RF
As part of a project seminar, Nikolay Kozak, Chairman of the Academic Council of the Master's Programme "Electronic Business and Digital Innovations", Director of Digital Transformation at DOM.RF, held a meeting with applicants and students of the programme with the participation of Mikhail Komarov, Academic Supervisor of the programme, Professor of HSE GSB.


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