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Tag "master's programmes "

Workshop on "Multiagent systems and its applications in logistics, transport and supply chain management: experience of real projects" took place at School of Logistics

On February 14, 2018 the Department of Information Systems and Technologies in Logistics of School of Logistics together with the research and production company "Smart Solutions" within educational programs of School of Logistics held a research seminar and a workshop of specialists of the company on "Multiagent systems and its application in logistics, transport and supply chain management: experience of real projects" in which intellectual computing MAS technologies and real industrial projects in logistics, transport and SCM have been shown.

Austrian Ambassador Awards Diplomas to Graduates of Double-Degree Programme in Big Data Systems and Information Systems Management

On June 28, 2017, the second graduation ceremony for the double-degree Master’s programme in Big Data Systems (HSE, Russia) and Information Systems Management (UAS Technikum Wien, Austria) was held at the Austrian Residence. Dr. Emil Brix, Ambassador of Austria in Moscow, gave the opening speech. During the reception, he congratulated graduates on successfully completing the programme and stressed the importance of cooperation between the universities for multicultural and professional communication.

Workshop on Operational Planning

Workshop on Operational Planning
On April 9, 2016 School of logistics hosted a workshop of Stanislaus Friedkin, the Director for operational planning of large international trading and manufacturing company. The event was organized by the Department of information systems and technologies in logistics with the support of the student Council of the School of logistics.

What Career Trajectories Can A Master’s Graduate Choose?

What Career Trajectories Can A Master’s Graduate Choose?
Usually they choose to work in a company or to go on to study for a doctorate. But Ekaterina Kolpakova, HSE master’s graduate, decided to continue her studies and applied for an international MBA programme. She told us about her decision in an interview.

The HSE and SEC Hospitality Training and Consulting have recently signed the agreement of cooperation

This agreement opens new brilliant opportunities for the students of the Tourism and Hotel Management Specialization of the Master’s program Experience Economy: Hospitality and Tourism Management of the Faculty of Business and Management.

Graduates of the Master’s Programme ‘Strategic Management in Logistics’ Received Second Degrees from bbw University of Applied Science, Germany

On October 30, 2015, graduates of the Master’s Programme ‘Strategic Management in Logistics’ received their long-awaited second degrees from bbw University of Applied Science at a ceremony at the Estrel Berlin Hotel.

‘HSE Gives Knowledge and the Chance to Use it’

Kirill Knyazev
An interview with Master’s in Electronic Business graduate and founder of the web studio Netball, Kirill Knyazev.

Student from Big Data Systems Master’s Programme Takes Part in IBM’s Best Student Recognition Event 2015

IBM held its annual forum, the Best Student Recognition Event, in Amsterdam on July 8-10, 2015. The IBM Corporation has been carrying out the event since 2008, bringing together some of the best students in Europe. Around 70 students attended this year’s event, including HSE student Dmitry Shostko, who studies Business Informatics in the Big Data Systems Master’s Programme. Dmitry was rated one of the top-10 students for the second semester.

Analyse This Using International Standards

A total of 25 graduates of HSE’s Master’s Programme in Business Informatics have also received an academic diploma from the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA).

Graduation Ceremony for the First Graduates of the Double Degree Master’s Programme

Graduation Ceremony for the First Graduates of the Double Degree Master’s Programme
On July 8, 2015, a graduation ceremony for the first graduates of the double degree master’s programme implemented by the School of Logistics together with bbw University of Applied Sciences, Berlin, Germany, took place at HSE.