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“AI entails changes in the working environment”: Mikhail Komarov gave a lecture at the Department of Economic Policy and Development of Moscow

Mikhail Komarov, Professor of the Department of Business Informatics at the HSE Graduate School of Business and Academic Director of the GSB’s E-Business and Digital Innovations programme, gave a lecture on artificial intelligence at the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow. The event was held in an interactive format — listeners could ask clarifying questions directly during the presentation.

“AI entails changes in the working environment”: Mikhail Komarov gave a lecture at the Department of Economic Policy and Development of Moscow

Mikhail M. Komarov

Mikhail M. Komarov

“Moscow is a leading, advanced city in terms of updates and implementation of artificial intelligence technologies. Contrary to common fears, robots and AI will not replace humans in the workplace, at least not in the next 20 years. Risks and challenges are new opportunities for development, and it is important to understand and be aware of these processes in order to keep up with the times and be a sought-after specialist on the labour market,” said Mikhail Komarov.


During the meeting the speaker revealed the concept of natural, artificial and hybrid intelligence, spoke about the main technologies, the history of ChatGPT: from T9 to GPT 4, the prospects and risks of AI. The expert pointed out that the first artificial intelligence systems were developed in the “learning with a teacher” format, because not everything can be foreseen in the “learning with reinforcement” format: not always arrays of collected data allow drawing conclusions, and even AI needs instructions to suggest an optimal algorithm. One example of this is car autopilot technology. It is impossible to simulate all the conditions that may occur on the road in laboratory conditions, so it is a person who works in parallel on the route and sets the right parameters for the AI.

Mikhail Komarov explained how artificial intelligence affects the labour market, how it can be applied through chatbots, forecasting, and recommendation systems. “Undoubtedly, AI entails changes in the working environment, the content and functionality of jobs, the interaction of personnel with each other and technology,” the expert stressed, reminding the audience of the analogy with the invention of the personal computer and the mobile phone. He also drew the audience's attention to the fact that although robots are already much more productive than we are today, they cannot yet offer the creativity and creative problem solving inherent in humans. 

The role of artificial intelligence, neural networks and robotics in various business spheres is becoming more and more important, but with increasing importance comes greater responsibility and the need to develop legal regulation issues, Mikhail Komarov emphasised.