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HSE Graduate School of Business Open Day for Bachelor's programmes

*recommended age
Event ended

Dear applicants, we invite you to GSB Open Day For Bachelor’s programmes, which will take place on December 16th at 7 PM (Moscow time) online.

GSB Open Days are an opportunity to meet Academic Supervisors and Graduate School of Business representatives, learn about peculiarities of programmes and courses, get a better understanding of how entry exams are held.

At the event, you will find out more about programmes, student life, professional and career development Graduate School of Business provides to its students.

In 2021 admissions are open for 5 GSB Bachelor’s programmes: 

Our professors – leading practitioners, researchers and experts in various specialized areas of business, will answer all of your questions.

During the broadcast, you will be able to address questions not only to professors but to GSB students and graduates as well.

You need to register to attend the events (the event will be held in Russian):


If you can’t participate in GSB Open Day for Bachelor’s programmes on December 16th, the event will be held again on March 17th, 7 PM (Moscow time).