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26-28 Shabolovka ul,
Building 2, Room 2204-2211
Moscow, Russia

E-mail: EFilipskaya@hse.ru

+7 (495) 772-95-90 add.26279

Head of the Department Vera Alexandrovna Rebiazina
Zhanna Musatova
Zhanna Musatova
Management practices of Russian companies. Vol. 1

Stepanov A. K., Лихачев А. А., Silchev V. et al.

M.: Higher School of Economics Publishing House, 2022.

Book chapter
Foresight Methodology and Commonly Used Methods in the New Generation Foresight

Saritas O., Veselitskaya N., Sokolov A.

In bk.: 21st Century Foresight: Shaping the Future for Sustainable Social, Economic and Environmental Development in South Africa. Cham: Springer, 2024. Ch. 4. P. 35-53.


GSB Dean Valery Katkalo Elected Chairman of Sectoral Commission on Education of the Russian Managers Association

Valery Katkalo
Valery Katkalo has been elected as Chairman of the Sectoral Commission on Education of the Russian Managers Association (RMA) for the second time in a row. The commission is one of the main expert platforms in Russia for discussing modern education trends and sharing experience of implementing advanced educational models.

GSB Department of Marketing listed in the Ranking of Russian Association for Communication Agencies

GSB Department of Marketing listed in the Ranking of Russian Association for Communication Agencies

Two New Research Laboratories are to be Launched at GSB

Two New Research Laboratories are to be Launched at GSB

‘Any Crisis and Any Shock Should Be Perceived As a New Opportunity’

‘Any Crisis and Any Shock Should Be Perceived As a New Opportunity’
On December 10, the Graduate School of Business held a large-scale meetup event for GSB professors, current students, alumni, corporate representatives, and anyone interested in the development of business education. Guests of ‘GSB Meetup: Welcome to the Graduate School of Business’ learned what qualities and competencies a modern manager needs, what is new at the HSE Graduate School of Business, and what the future holds for the School.

GSB Professor Olga Tretyak Participated in a Conference ‘Direct Selling Today and Tomorrow’ of Direct Selling Association

GSB Professor Olga Tretyak Participated in a Conference ‘Direct Selling Today and Tomorrow’ of Direct Selling Association
On November 25, the Laboratory of Network Organizational Forms of HSE Graduate School of Business drew conclusions of the research ‘Independent Consultants as a Foundation for Direct Selling Business Model’ in the conference ‘Direct Selling Today and Tomorrow’ of Direct Selling Association. The conference was held online on the platform of ‘Russia Today’ press-centre.

HSE Graduate School of Business Will Hold GSB Meetup: Welcome to GSB

HSE Graduate School of Business Will Hold GSB Meetup: Welcome to GSB
The event will take place on December 10 at 3 PM (Moscow time). The Meetup will bring together professors, students and attendees of all programmes, alumni, business representatives and corporations. Professors will discuss relevant issues, successful alumni will give career advice, and students will share secrets of GSB campuses. The event will be held in Russian.

Centre for Learning Methodologies has Launched a Series of Workshops about Distance Learning for Professors of GSB

Centre for Learning Methodologies has Launched a Series of Workshops about Distance Learning for Professors of GSB
On November 25, a series of workshops were launched, on which professors of HSE Graduate School of Business share their experience of using distance-learning tools.

Graduate School of Business has Launched a Series of Meetings of a Renewed Academic Committee of Bachelor’s and Master’s Programmes

Graduate School of Business has Launched a Series of Meetings of a Renewed Academic Committee of Bachelor’s and Master’s Programmes

HSE Graduate School of Business Professors Took Part in CEEMAN Seminars EdTech 2020 - Beyond the Pandemic Emergency

HSE Graduate School of Business Professors Took Part in CEEMAN Seminars EdTech 2020 - Beyond the Pandemic Emergency

HSE Returns to Online Instruction

HSE Returns to Online Instruction
HSE Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov has signed an order stipulating that HSE University will transition to online learning beginning November 16