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26-28 Shabolovka ul,
Building 2, Room 2204-2211
Moscow, Russia

E-mail: EFilipskaya@hse.ru

+7 (495) 772-95-90 add.26279

Head of the Department Vera Alexandrovna Rebiazina
Zhanna Musatova
Zhanna Musatova
Management practices of Russian companies. Vol. 1

Stepanov A. K., Лихачев А. А., Silchev V. et al.

M.: Higher School of Economics Publishing House, 2022.

Conversing in the shadow of echoes – a scale development and validation of the dark side of organizational internal communication

Anand A., Sinitsyna E., Takács S. et al.

European Business Review. 2025. Vol. 37. No. 1. P. 82-115.

Book chapter
Foresight Methodology and Commonly Used Methods in the New Generation Foresight

Saritas O., Veselitskaya N., Sokolov A.

In bk.: 21st Century Foresight: Shaping the Future for Sustainable Social, Economic and Environmental Development in South Africa. Cham: Springer, 2024. Ch. 4. P. 35-53.

Tag "alumni" – News

‘Any Crisis and Any Shock Should Be Perceived As a New Opportunity’

‘Any Crisis and Any Shock Should Be Perceived As a New Opportunity’
On December 10, the Graduate School of Business held a large-scale meetup event for GSB professors, current students, alumni, corporate representatives, and anyone interested in the development of business education. Guests of ‘GSB Meetup: Welcome to the Graduate School of Business’ learned what qualities and competencies a modern manager needs, what is new at the HSE Graduate School of Business, and what the future holds for the School.