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26-28 Shabolovka ul,
Building 2, Room 2204-2211
Moscow, Russia

E-mail: EFilipskaya@hse.ru

+7 (495) 772-95-90 add.26279

Head of the Department Vera Alexandrovna Rebiazina
Zhanna Musatova
Zhanna Musatova
Management practices of Russian companies. Vol. 1

Stepanov A. K., Лихачев А. А., Silchev V. et al.

M.: Higher School of Economics Publishing House, 2022.

Conversing in the shadow of echoes – a scale development and validation of the dark side of organizational internal communication

Anand A., Sinitsyna E., Takács S. et al.

European Business Review. 2025. Vol. 37. No. 1. P. 82-115.

Book chapter
Foresight Methodology and Commonly Used Methods in the New Generation Foresight

Saritas O., Veselitskaya N., Sokolov A.

In bk.: 21st Century Foresight: Shaping the Future for Sustainable Social, Economic and Environmental Development in South Africa. Cham: Springer, 2024. Ch. 4. P. 35-53.

Tag "partnerships" – News

Supporting NGOs, Improving Financial Literacy, and Environmental Cartoons: Graduate School of Business Students Defend Their Marketing Projects

Supporting NGOs, Improving Financial Literacy, and Environmental Cartoons: Graduate School of Business Students Defend Their Marketing Projects
On May 20, first-year master’s students in the Marketing: Digital Technologies and Marketing Communications programme defended their projects. The event was the final stage of the first joint project between Effie Russia and theHSE Graduate School of Business (GSB). The students tackled cases involving social and environmental problems.