HSE Graduate School of Business 'Goes East'
With China becoming Russia's main trade and economic partner, the development of cooperation between the two countries in the field of business education grows ever more important. To this end, a delegation of the HSE Graduate School of Business led by Director Valery Katkalo visited Shanghai.
"Mobility programme teaches independence, patience and the ability to adapt". Anastasia Shishova on how to build a comfortable life in an unfamiliar city and get the most out of a semester in a foreign university.
Anastasia Shishova, a 3rd year student of the Business Management programme at the HSE Graduate School of Business, spent the spring semester of the 2022-2023 academic year on the south coast of France at IPAG Business School in Nice. Read about the studies in one of the oldest French business schools.

The delegation of the HSE Graduate School of Business took part in the Caucasus Mountain Forum on Sustainable Tourism
The Third Caucasus Mountain Forum on Sustainable Tourism took place on July, 4-6, 2023 in Kutaisi State University named after Akaki Tsereteli. At this international scientific conference, held in hospitable Georgia, the Russian delegation was represented by Ekaterina Ivanova, Associate Professor of the Department of Strategic and International Business at GSB, and first year students of the Master's programme "Management of Sustainable Development of the Company".

"All the professors will know you by name by mid-quarter, worry if you missed a class and be interested in your health." Anna Kostina talks about her studies at a university in Croatia, which went within the frameworks of the mobility programme.
In the spring semester 2022/2023 academic year Anna Kostina, a 2nd year student of the bachelor's program "Marketing and market analytics" at the HSE Graduate School of Business, visited one of the best business schools in Croatia - Zagreb School of Economics and Management. Classes are held in English, but some phrases in Croatian (e.g. "Dobar Dan!" - "Добрый день!") are understandable for Russians without an interpreter or knowledge of the language. Read in the review about how difficult it is to study at a small university, in comparison with the HSE Graduate School of Business’ studies, and what prospects a mobility programme in Croatia offers.

"Almost all exams were in written format: you had to write by hand on paper" - exams, study process, travel and other impressions of Anastasia Koroleva from her mobility programme at Université Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC)
Anastasia Koroleva, a 3rd year student of the Marketing and Market Analytics programme at the HiSE Graduate School of Business, visited one of the major multidisciplinary and professional universities in Paris - Université Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC). Anastasia studied in English on the exchange program in the spring semester 2022-23 academic year and also successfully improved her French. You can read about the impressions of the University of Paris in the review.

Spring semester 2022-2023 academic mobility application statistics
The GSB International Office has prepared statistics on applications submitted for international mobility programmes in the Spring semester of 2022-2023 academic year.

“In Canada you become an incredibly optimistic person (if you haven’t been before) and get an easy outlook of life”: Milana Beskieru on how travelling through the academic mobility programme changed her attitude to life and helped her make friends all over the world.
Milan Beskieru, a second year student of the BA Business Management programme at the HSE Graduate School of Business, this spring visited the oldest university of North America - Canadian Laval University. The educational institution, founded in 1663, is located in the French-speaking province of Quebec. Read about the atmosphere at the university and how difficult it is without the French language in this review.

"To become a part of the Eternal City for a while is the best gift that the year 2022 has given me." Olesya Ivanova tell us about how she managed to spend six months in Rome, travelling and getting to know foreign students from all over the world, as soon as she decided to apply for a mobility programme.
Olesya Ivanova, student of the master's programme "Marketing: Digital Technologies and Marketing Communications" of the HSE Graduate School of Business, visited one of the best Italian universities LUISS Business School in Rome. As part of the individual educational plan, Olesya took the Executive Marketing programme, which is more often taken as a part of an MBA. Read in the review about how she managed to cope with bureaucratic tasks in a difficult 2022, what gave her training at the University of "the Eternal City" and how the student was convinced of the quality of her studies at the HSE Graduate School of Business.

Daria Krylova shares her experience about the exchange program at Singapore Management University
Daria Krylova, the first-year student of the Master's degree in International Management, took part in the exchange program at Singapore Management University in the spring of 2023 and shared her exchange experience in video feedback, focusing on useful tips for future students of the SMU student exchange program.

Presentation of the Rabat Business School, Kingdom of Morocco
On April 26, 2023, Mr. Badrdine BOULAID, Rabat Business School Program Officer in Charge of Incoming Mobility, presented one of the future partners of Graduate School of Business of HSE University - Rabat Business School. During the online presentation Mr. BOULAID spoke about the academic exchange programmes and summer school for international students at Rabat Business School as well as living and studying in Morocco.