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28/11 Shabolovka ul.,
Building 1, Rooms 1308

Tel: +7 (495) 772-95-90 26268

E-mail: obalaeva@hse.ru

28/11 Shabolovka ul.,
Building 1, Rooms 1324

Tel: +7 (495) 772-95-90 26244

E-mail: ysaslanyan@hse.ru

Head of the Department Valery Katkalo
Deputy Head Olga Balaeva
Impact of audio and video narratives describing financial successes and failures on risk-taking in the Balloon Analogue Risk Task
In press

Rakhmankulova Z., Efimov K., Kadieva D. et al.

Cognition, Brain, Behavior. An Interdisciplinary Journal. 2024. Vol. 29. No. 2 (September). P. 137-162.

Book chapter
Neurocognitive Processing of Attitude-Consistent and Attitude-Inconsistent Deepfakes: N400 Study

Монахова Э., Morozova A., Khoroshilov D. et al.

In bk.: Advances in Neural Computation, Machine Learning, and Cognitive Research VII. Iss. 1120: Studies in Computational Intelligence. Frankfurt: 2023.

Working paper
The efficacy of the sugar-free labels is reduced by the health-sweetness tradeoff

Panidi K., Гребенщикова Я. С., Klucharev V.

arxiv.econ.GN. 2311.09885. Cornell University, 2023

Tag "Invitation to participate" – News

University-Wide Open Day to Be Held for Prospective Students

University-Wide Open Day to Be Held for Prospective Students
On March 12, HSE University will hold a university-wide Open Day for prospective students of bachelor’s and specialist programmes. The event will be held in the Pokrovka Building and will feature presentations by faculties and campuses, a talk by the Admissions Office, activities from student organisations, a tour of the university’s historical buildings and much more. Those interested in attending must register in advance.