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28/11 Shabolovka ul.,
Building 1, Rooms 1308

Tel: +7 (495) 772-95-90 26268

E-mail: obalaeva@hse.ru

28/11 Shabolovka ul.,
Building 1, Rooms 1324

Tel: +7 (495) 772-95-90 26244

E-mail: ysaslanyan@hse.ru

Head of the Department Valery Katkalo
Deputy Head Olga Balaeva
Impact of audio and video narratives describing financial successes and failures on risk-taking in the Balloon Analogue Risk Task
In press

Rakhmankulova Z., Efimov K., Kadieva D. et al.

Cognition, Brain, Behavior. An Interdisciplinary Journal. 2024. Vol. 29. No. 2 (September). P. 137-162.

Book chapter
Neurocognitive Processing of Attitude-Consistent and Attitude-Inconsistent Deepfakes: N400 Study

Монахова Э., Morozova A., Khoroshilov D. et al.

In bk.: Advances in Neural Computation, Machine Learning, and Cognitive Research VII. Iss. 1120: Studies in Computational Intelligence. Frankfurt: 2023.

Working paper
The efficacy of the sugar-free labels is reduced by the health-sweetness tradeoff

Panidi K., Гребенщикова Я. С., Klucharev V.

arxiv.econ.GN. 2311.09885. Cornell University, 2023

Tag "bachelor's programmes" – News

University-Wide Open Day to Be Held for Prospective Students

University-Wide Open Day to Be Held for Prospective Students
On March 12, HSE University will hold a university-wide Open Day for prospective students of bachelor’s and specialist programmes. The event will be held in the Pokrovka Building and will feature presentations by faculties and campuses, a talk by the Admissions Office, activities from student organisations, a tour of the university’s historical buildings and much more. Those interested in attending must register in advance.

Three HSE University Programmes in Management Receive European Accreditation

Three HSE University Programmes in Management Receive European Accreditation
The bachelor's programmes of the HSE Graduate School of Business in Business Administration and Marketing and Market Analytics and the English-language Master's programme of HSE ISSEK ‘Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation’ have been accredited by the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD). Earlier, the Master’s in Finance offered by HSE University in St. Petersburg also received accreditation in the Economics category. Having four degree programmes recognized by EFMD is an unrivalled achievement for Russian universities.