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28/11 Shabolovka ul.,
Building 1, Rooms 1308

Tel: +7 (495) 772-95-90 26268

E-mail: obalaeva@hse.ru

28/11 Shabolovka ul.,
Building 1, Rooms 1324

Tel: +7 (495) 772-95-90 26244, 26307

E-mail: ysaslanyan@hse.ru, avolkonskaya@hse.ru

Head of the Department Valery Katkalo
Deputy Head Olga Balaeva
Book chapter
Event-Related Potentials in Response to Fake News Correction: Pilot Study

Монахова Э., Городничева Ю. М., Zinchenko O. et al.

In bk.: 2024 Sixth International Conference Neurotechnologies and Neurointerfaces (CNN). IEEE, 2024. P. 124-127.

Working paper
The efficacy of the sugar-free labels is reduced by the health-sweetness tradeoff

Panidi K., Гребенщикова Я. С., Klucharev V.

arxiv.econ.GN. 2311.09885. Cornell University, 2023

On Campus – News

The HSE Graduate School of Business opened a classroom named after Alexander Nikolaevich Dyatlov, the first dean of the HSE State University’s Faculty of Management

The HSE Graduate School of Business opened a classroom named after Alexander Nikolaevich Dyatlov, the first dean of the HSE State University’s Faculty of Management
On August 31, the opening ceremony of the auditorium named after Alexander Nikolaevich Dyatlov, Dean of the HSE State University’s Faculty of Management in 1995-2000, took place in the first building of Shabolovka campus. Alexander Nikolayevich started his research activities in the field of economic forecasts in the late 1980s and joined the HSE State University in 1994.

GSB Dean Valery Katkalo Elected Chairman of Sectoral Commission on Education of the Russian Managers Association

Valery Katkalo
Valery Katkalo has been elected as Chairman of the Sectoral Commission on Education of the Russian Managers Association (RMA) for the second time in a row. The commission is one of the main expert platforms in Russia for discussing modern education trends and sharing experience of implementing advanced educational models.