Ich habe das geschafft! HSE GSB student Egor Kazankin on life, studies, and the challenges of mobility in Bavaria.
A third-year student of the "Business Administration" programme, Egor Kazankin, shares his experience of academic mobility at the Würzburg-Schweinfurt University of Applied Sciences, Germany.

Winter School in Budapest: immersion in the world of international business and intercultural communication
The students of the Graduate School of Business studying on the Bachelor's degree programs “International Business” and Master's degree programs “International Management” had a unique opportunity to broaden their horizons by taking part in the Winter School at one of the most prestigious universities in Europe - Corvinus University of Budapest in Budapest, Hungary. This event was not only an educational but also a cultural adventure, allowing participants to immerse themselves in the world of international relations, intercultural communication and get to know the rich heritage of the Hungarian capital.