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Agreement between Participants of Electronic Communications

What is this agreement for?

If you plan to sign a civil law contract or other documents when interacting with HSE University (e.g. an application for a faculty competition, etc.) electronically using a simple electronic signature, you need to enter into an Agreement between the parties of electronic interaction with HSE University.

How to sign this agreement?

The agreement is made in 2 copies. In order to enter into an agreement, you should visit the University Reception Desk (Myasnitskaya Street, 20, office 122, side entrance next to the main entrance; Pokrovsky Boulevard, 11, office M120) in person. You should bring your passport and your mobile phone. Business hours: Monday to Friday 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Lunch from 1.30pm to 2pm.

For your convenience you can familiarize yourself with the agreement draft before visiting the University Reception Desk.

Agreement between Participants of Electronic Communications

Terms and definitions

A Simple electronic signature confirms that a certain document has been signed by a certain person using codes, passwords or other means. For the purposes of this Agreement, a Simple electronic signature means a Password known only to the Individual and a Login known to both Parties, which allows the University to clearly identify the Individual at time of signing of the Electronic documents specified in the Agreement, via their Personal Account in a respective Information System.

An Individual’s Personal account is a component of the information system, which contains personalized information and functions/services available to the Individual. These functions/services are provided in accordance with the access rights granted by the University for creating, processing, approving and signing Electronic documents. A single Personal account can be used in one or more information systems of the University. https://lk.hse.ru/

Electronic documents, signed by a Simple electronic signature, as well as actions with legal effect, which are performed on the basis of a Simple electronic signature, include:

  1. acknowledgement of directives in regards to:
    1. annual paid leave;
    2. additional paid leave;
    3. academic leave of absence;
    4. business trips;
    5. incentives (rewards);
    6. work on weekends;
  2. Acknowledgement of the HSE University’s Internal Labour Regulations and other bylaws, which all staff members should be acquainted with, pursuant to the requirements of the Labour Code of the Russian Federation;
  3. Applications for voluntary health insurance policies;
  4. Acknowledgement of the leave of absence schedule.



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