Crossing the Russian Border
Important information when planning a trip abroad
To ensure the protection of public health and the non-proliferation of new coronavirus infection, restrictions on the entry of foreign nationals (regardless of the purpose of entry) into the Russian Federation are in force. A list of foreign states whose nationals and persons holding a residence permit which may enter the Russian Federation from these states through air crossing points at the state border of the Russian Federation. The list of countries is specified in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 16.03.2020 N 635-r (Annex No. 1). Please check Annex No. 1 to get an up-to-date list of countries. List of foreign countries and their individual territories from which the entry of foreign nationals (and permanent residents) to the Russian Federation is temporarily restricted is defined in Annex No. 3.
To check-in and board an international flight, foreign nationals and stateless persons travelling to the Russian Federation must present a medical document (certificate) with a negative Covid-19 result (PCR) in Russian or English; the test must have been taken no earlier than two calendar days (48 hours) prior to arrival in the Russian Federation. The validity of the PCR test certificate is calculated starting from the date the biological material was collected. If it is not possible to submit the medical certificate in Russian or in English, it may be submitted in the official language of the country where the issuing organisation is registered, accompanied by a Russian translation certified by a consular official of the Russian Federation. During the flight, passengers must also fill in the form provided by the flight attendants.
Foreign nationals arriving in the Russian Federation for the purpose of carrying out labour activities must comply with mandatory isolation requirements for a period of 14 calendar days from the date of arrival in the Russian Federation (according to the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Inspector of the Russian Federation of 30.03.2020 N 9 "On additional measures to prevent the spread of COVID 2019", p. 6.1).
On December 29, 2021 new amendments to the federal law "On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation" came into effect. The new provisions establish that foreigners entering the Russian Federation have to undergo medical examination, mandatory state fingerprint and photograph registration.
Mandatory state fingerprint and photograph registration (Article 5, paragraphs 13 to 17)
Foreign nationals arriving in the Russian Federation for purposes other than labour activities for a period exceeding ninety calendar days are subject to mandatory state fingerprinting and photographing within ninety calendar days of entry into the Russian Federation. Foreign nationals arriving in the Russian Federation for purpose of carrying out labour activities are subject to mandatory state fingerprinting and photographing within thirty calendar days of entry into the Russian Federation or when applying for a patent or obtaining a work permit. Foreign nationals are subject to mandatory state fingerprint registration and photographing once, except in cases established by the federal executive authority in the field of internal affairs. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of 27.12.2021 No. 1139 "On approval of the procedure for mandatory state fingerprint and photograph registration of foreign citizens and stateless persons" (in Russian).
Foreign nationals who have undergone the mandatory state fingerprint registration and photographing shall be issued a document confirming that they have undergone the mandatory state fingerprint registration and photographing. To undergo mandatory state fingerprint registration and photographing, foreign nationals, with the exception of persons who have undergone mandatory state fingerprint registration and photographing, must apply in person to an authorised organisation.
Mandatory state fingerprint and photograph registration is carried out by internal affairs bodies once, without charge of state fees, regardless of the number of entries/exits to the Russian Federation.
Mandatory medical examination (Article 5, paragraphs 18 to 23)
Foreign nationals arriving in the Russian Federation for purposes other than labour activities within ninety calendar days of entry into the Russian Federation and foreign nationals arriving in the Russian Federation for labour activities within thirty calendar days of entry into the Russian Federation must undergo a medical examination in medical organisations located in the Russian Federation for the presence or absence of (Ministry of Health Order No. 1079n of 19.11.2021):
- The use of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances without a doctor's prescription or new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances;
- Infectious diseases that pose a danger to others on the list approved by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation (tuberculosis; leprosy (Hansen's disease); syphilis; a disease caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV); asymptomatic infection status caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV); new coronavirus infection COVID-19);
- Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease.
A medical examination is not required for individuals who have undergone a medical examination and have valid documents certifying that they have undergone a medical examination. Foreign nationals must undergo a re-examination within thirty calendar days of the expiry of their medical certificates.
The medical examination includes the following medical check-ups and examinations by specialists:
- Chemotoxicological examination;
- Blood tests: determination of IgG antibodies to Treponema pallidum by enzyme immunoassay and determination of antibodies to Treponema pallidum in a passive haemagglutination reaction; determination of antibodies to Treponema pallidum by a nontreponemal test (NRT);
- M, G class antibody (IgM and IgG) to HIV-1 and HIV-2 (Human immunodeficiency virus HIV 1/HIV 2) and p24 antigen determination in human serum or plasma;
- X-rays or computer tomography performed not more than one month before the medical examination;
- Bacteriological and cultural examination ( inoculation on solid and liquid nutrient media) of sputum or other material;
- Laboratory examination for COVID-19 using nucleic acid amplification techniques;
- Bacterioscopy of nasal mucosa scrapings (Ziehl-Nielsson staining) (if medically indicated);
- Examination by a phthisiologist;
- Examination by a dermatovenerologist;
- Examination by an infectious disease doctor;
- Examination by a psychiatrist-drug therapist.
Currently, medical certificates are valid for three months from the date of issue (p. 20 of the Order).
The period of temporary stay in the Russian Federation of foreign nationals is reduced in case these foreign nationals fail to comply with the obligation to undergo mandatory state fingerprint registration, photographing and (or) medical examination.
The list of medical organisations authorised to carry out medical examinations in the city of Moscow was approved by Decree No. 1517-PP of the Government of Moscow of 28.09.2021.
How much do these procedures cost?
The costs of medical examination, fingerprint and photograph registration must be paid by foreign citizens themselves, as undergoing the procedure is their responsibility (fee ranges from 5,000 to 12,000 roubles). At the same time, the HSE University Administration has decided that HSE employees and their family members will be reimbursed for these expenses. Receipts and all payment documents must be submitted for this purpose. Only expenses certified by fiscal documents will be reimbursed.
Is it possible to undergo medical examinations according to the Labour Code of the Russian Federation and the federal law "On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation" at once?
To avoid double medical check-ups and some tests done twice (one for the medical examination according to the Labour Code of the Russian Federation and the second for the medical examination according to the federal law "On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation") HSE University administration is currently concluding an agreement with the Moscow city clinic number 3. The agreement should come into force in March 2022. Under this agreement, it will be possible to have two medical examinations in one visit to the clinic.
What about those foreign nationals who have entered the Russian Federation before 29 December 2021?
For such foreign nationals, the need for compulsory procedures arises upon their subsequent entry into the Russian Federation under the general procedure. However, due to the fact that mandatory state fingerprinting registration and photographing is performed by the internal affairs bodies on a single occasion with the issuance of a confirmation document that has no validity period, foreign citizens who entered the Russian Federation before 29 December 2021 have the right to undergo this procedure in advance, without waiting for the fact of departure from the Russian Federation and subsequent entry. Based on clarifications from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
FAQ: Medical Examinations, Fingerprinting and Photographing of Foreign Nationals
This FAQ based on the Meeting with First Vice Rector Prof. Vadim V. Radaev on January 14, 2022.
Who is exempt from these procedures?
- persons with dual citizenship, one of which is Russian citizenship;
- citizens of the Republic of Belarus, as per the agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus "On Ensuring the Equal Rights of Citizens", dated December 25, 1998;
- children under six years of age;
- officials of international (interstate, intergovernmental) organizations; staff of diplomatic missions, consulates and embassies in the Russian Federation and members of their families - on the basis of reciprocity between Russia and respective countries;
- for those with temporary or permanent residency permits, medical examinations are necessary only one time and only for the obtainment of residency documentation.
Where are medical examinations held?
International staff members can undertake all medical procedures in a single visit at the following locations:
- Moscow Centre of Dermatology, Venerology and Cosmetology (MCDC) of the Moscow Department of Health at the Sakharovo Migration Centre;
- Moscow City Centre for Combatting Tuberculosis of the Moscow Department of Health (18 Dokuckina ulitsa, Paid Services Department).
The list of institutions conducting medical examinations was last updated on January 20, 2022. It will be further updated in the near future, so please be on the lookout for new information as it appears.
How often should medical examinations be held?
Documents confirming that an individual has undertaken medical examinations shall be valid for three months from the date of their issue. During the validity period of their medical certificate, such persons shall not require additional medical examinations regardless of their trips overseas. Upon the expiry of the medical certificate, individuals must undertake a medical examination within 30 calendar days.
Draft amendments to Ministry of Health Directive No. 1079n, dated November 19, 2021, should be issued by March 1, 2022, whereby the validity period of medical examination certificates for international staff will be set at 12 months. Therefore, international staff will only need to undertake medical examinations one time a year.
What happens if I fail to undertake medical examinations on time?
The following sanctions may be enacted with respect to those persons who do not undertake medical examinations or fail to do so within the set timeframe:
- Annulment of their work permit, if it has already been issued or is currently being processed;
- Reduction in the duration of their stay in the Russian Federation.
HSE University will provide necessary administrative, informational and legal support to its staff members to avoid any instances whereby such sanctions may be applied. Should adverse circumstances occur, HSE University will meet its obligations within the framework of current contracts with its international staff.
What happens if a medical examination identifies some kind of ailment (e.g., due to false positive diagnosis) specified for detection?
If a COVID-19 case is confirmed among international staff members as the result of a medical examination, HSE University shall provide necessary administrative, informational and legal support to such employees to avoid the application of any administrative sanction with respect to them. Should adverse circumstances occur, HSE University will meet its obligations within the framework of current contracts with its international staff.
What is HSE University doing to mitigate the effects of the new legislation?
- Provision of centralized information and organizational support through e-mail:;
- Organization of trips to the Sakharovo Migration Centre accompanied by an HSE University staff member; the University will agree on a date and time for trips with all employees who need to partake in medical procedures on a priority basis, with due consideration of the date of their entry into Russia; visits on weekends may be discussed on an individual basis;
- Informational support for obtaining permanent residency: individual consultations on submission of documents, required documentation and the timeframe for processing residency applications;
- Opening up of temporary facilities for obligatory medical examinations at the HSE University campus, as well as facilities for fingerprinting and photographing - currently being discussed with local executive authorities.
Furthermore, HSE University has drawn up legislative proposals and sent them to federal executive bodies for mitigating the new legislation's effects on certain categories of foreign citizens, in particular, staff with HQS visas working at top academic institutions.
It is possible to replace the chest X-ray procedure as part of a medical examination, with other types of chest organs disease diagnosis, e.g., blood tests using PCR, T- SPOT.TB or other methods? Is it possible to transfer X-ray results obtained as part of medical examinations towards the results of obligatory yearly medical check-ups?
Such enquiries have been submitted with the Ministry of Health and are currently under consideration.
Does the 30-day period for meeting the provisions of the new federal legislation apply every time one crosses the border of the Russian Federation? Can medical examinations be avoided if one leaves Russia every month?
Yes. The provisions of the federal law concern the period of one's uninterrupted stay in the Russian Federation. If an international staff member leaves Russia prior to the expiration of the 30-day period from the date of their initial entry, they will need to undertake a medical examination, fingerprinting and official photographing within the uninterrupted 30-day period after their subsequent entry into Russia.
Is registration at one's place of residence necessary (registration with the migration authorities in one's area of residence) for undertaking medical examinations? How does this work with respect to HQS staff members?
The field with one's registration details must be filled in when completing the form for medical examination certificates. As such, prior to planning a visit to a medical institution, a registration slip must be issued, regardless of one's type of visa (HQS or regular work visa).
Press release published on the HSE website: (on 27.12.2021, in English).
Information on this page is up to date on: 15.02.2022.
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