Conference proceedings
Please send the manuscript to before May, 20
- Publication is possible for the conference delegates only. Publication is free of charge.
- The decision to publish the manuscript is made by the jury of the Conference..
- The proceedings with be distributed in electronic format only. Electronic version of the proceedings will be forwarded to all conference participants.
Article size: up to 2000 words not including abstract and references
Manuscript structure:
- Authors info: name, surname, university, city, country
- Article title
- Annotation (100-200 words: problem description or a list of key article questions, methodology used, main conclusions and research results)
- Key words: 6-9 words
- Article text
- References
Additional notes:
Keywords should provide the information about research field (inventory management, sourcing), concepts/technologies (cross docking, VMI, CPFR), instruments and methods (simulation, survey, ABC analysis, AHP), research subject (retail, industry, logistics services, transportation infrastructure, inventory, service level, costs). The editors reserve the right to change the keywords.
References in the text and in the list of sources should be made in accordance with the Harward standard. English-language sources - only in the original language, Russian-language sources - in Russian. The list of references should be arranged in alphabetical order, Russian-language sources first, then English-language ones.
Formulas should be numbered, the manuscript text should contain references to the formula index. Formulas format: "Microsoft Equation" editor. Presentation of formulas in the figure format is not allowed.
Graphic Elements
Figures and tables should have names and continuous numbering (Fig.1, Table 1), the text should contain references to figures and tables (for example, Fig.1, Table 1)
Figures, photos, screenshots should be in monochrome format.
The resolution of photos and screenshots should be not less than 300
Figures, charts, graphs and diagrams should be provided as separate files in editable format (Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, etc.)
Text formatting
Automatic hyphenation is not allowed. Subheadings should be in bold font. Examples, comments, definitions should be in italics.
The first mention of abbreviations should be given in parentheses after the full name, thereafter they are used in the text without transcription. If English-language terms are used in the article written in Russian, their translation is required.