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Corporate email address

The Higher School of Economics provides every employee with a corporate email address. This address is used for sending official information and communication between employees. The main corporate e-mail address is created with the name in Russian (according to official employment documents).

The web interface is available at https://mail2.hse.ru/. You can use MS Outlook or any other email client (mail server address: mail2.hse.ru).

It is possible to create an additional mailbox with the name in English. To create a corporate email address in English, contact the coordinator or apply for one yourself via the link. The application should include the preferred spelling of the additional email address (for example name.surname@hse.ru or n.surname@hse.ru).

When the additional email address is created (usually it takes 1-2 business days), you can set rules to automatically forward messages or redirect messages (for example, if you would like to use only an English email box). Messages that are forwarded will appear to be forwarded from you. When you reply to a message that has been forwarded, the reply will be sent to the address the message was forwarded from, not to the original sender. Messages that are redirected will appear to come from the original sender. When you reply to a message that has been redirected, the reply will be sent to the original sender.

How to redirect all messages from a Russian email box to an English email box?

In Outlook Web App, click Settings > Options > Mail > Automatic processing > Inbox and sweep rules.

On the Inbox rules tab, click the arrow next to the plus symbol +, and select Create a new rule for arriving messages. Under When the message arrives, select Apply to all messages. Under Do the following, select Redirect the message to. Select the address you want your mail sent to by double-clicking it in the address book view. If the address you want to redirect to isn’t in the address book, you can enter the email address in the To line at the top of the window. Copies of messages that you redirect or forward will remain in your mailbox. If you add an action to delete a message, the message will go to your Deleted Items folder and will still be counted against your mailbox limit.

Click OK to save your selections and return to the new rule window. Click Save to save your rule and return to the Inbox rules tab.

In the web version, Inbox rules cannot be applied to existing messages. The new rule only applies to messages received after it has been created. In order to redirect all old messages you should use MS Outlook client (Run Rules Now function). Here is more information (please see the section "Run rules manually").


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