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Advanced Materials: Nature of Strongly Correlated Quantum Spin Liquid in Sr3CuNb2O9

Shaginyan V., Msezane A., Artamonov S. A. et al.

Advanced Materials & Sustainable Manufacturing. 2025. Vol. 2. No. 1.

Book chapter
Improving the Credit Risk Assessment Model using Forecasting and Monte Carlo Methods

Sizykh D., Kovalev R., Sizykh N.

In bk.: 2024 17th International Conference on Management of Large-Scale System Development (MLSD). IEEE, 2024. P. 1-5.

The Graduate School of Business hosted a guest seminar on "Financial Instruments of the Russian Oil Products Market"

On October 24, as part of the “Company Financial Policy” course, a seminar on financial instruments of the Russian petroleum products market was held for the 4th year BSc students of GSB. The speaker of the meeting was Vyacheslav Morii, Managing Director of AAA Capital Management JSC (Gazprombank), an experienced expert practitioner in the petroleum products market.

The seminar was organized and conducted as an introductory session to the topic “Using Derivative Transactions to Implement Financial Policies”. Its purpose was to study the oil products market as one of the most significant underlying assets of derivative financial instruments in Russia and in the world. The students learned about the work of OPEC+ and the influence of international markets on the domestic market of oil and oil products in modern conditions, the principles of price formation in various segments of the oil products market, familiarized themselves with modern trends and practices of exchange and OTC spot and derivatives markets, and got answers to their questions.

Vyacheslav Moriy, Managing Director of AAA Capital Management, Gazprombank:
I express my gratitude for the opportunity to share my experience and speak to the students of one of the leading universities in the country on a topic to which I have professionally devoted many years. I would like to emphasize the high level of preparation of the students who asked questions during the seminar, rather typical of established professionals at industry and financial conferences.

Sergey Kiselev, GSB lecturer:
I would like to thank Vyacheslav Olegovich for the opportunity he provided to the students during the “Company Financial Policy” class. The guys were able to learn a lot of useful things about the oil products market from the mouth of an expert who has practical experience as a financial specialist.

Alisa Karamavrova, GSB student:
I would like to express my gratitude for the seminar. I am very glad that I had the opportunity to listen to and communicate live with a practitioner with many years of experience in the oil products market. I really enjoyed the discussion and the seminar itself. The students learned the details of the market, which some of them were not quite familiar with. I think this knowledge will be useful in future work!

Valeria Dedik, GSB student:
The seminar was informative and useful. Vyacheslav Olegovich presented current financial instruments of the oil products market in an accessible and clear manner, paying attention to new trends, regulatory aspects, as well as answered students' questions.