HSE Graduate School of Business Professor Appointed Reviewer for Leading Journal of Management – Journal of International Business Studies
Igor Gurkov, Professor at the Department of Strategic and International Management of the HSE GSB and Full Professor at HSE University, has been appointed as a reviewer for one of the world’s leading academic journals in the field of management — Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS). The journal is the official publication of the Academy of International Business (AIB) and is included in the prestigious FT50 list, which comprises the top 50 business research journals worldwide.
JIBS publishes research dedicated to the study of international business and its many facets, including international strategy, global markets, international relations, and multinational corporations. The journal covers a wide range of topics such as globalization, management under uncertainty, as well as emerging theories and approaches to conducting business in the international arena.
As a reviewer, Igor Borisovich will evaluate academic articles, helping the editorial board assess whether their content meets the journal’s high academic standards. Reviewers play a key role in maintaining the quality of publications by providing expert opinions and recommendations on methodology, theoretical foundations, and the relevance of submitted research.
We congratulate Igor Borisovich on this international recognition!