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Программы на 2022 г.
EmLyon Business School, Франция
Кому подходит?
Области: ВШБ
Уровень: MA
Количество мест: 2
Кампус: Лион
Английский: B2
Что важно знать?
Даты: 13 июня 2022 - 08 июля 2022
Номинация осуществляется через Центр международных обменов до 1 марта.
Заявка подается онлайн по ссылке: http://masters.em-lyon.com/en/Summer-School до 30 апреля.
Стоимость: 1500 евро за 1 модуль
Студентам, подавшим заявку через ЦМО до 1 марта предоставляется полная скидка на обучение.
Более подробная информация в брошюре
Laval University, Канада
Кому подходит?
Области: ЦИУП
Уровень: BA
Количество мест: 2
Кампус: Квебек
Английский: B2
Что важно знать?
Modern Real-Life Operations Management and Logistics
4 июля 2022 - 15 июля 2022
International Marketing: Discovering the Québec Effect!
18 июня 2022 - 29 июля 2022
Заявка подается онлайн по ссылке: http://www.fsa.ulaval.ca/ISBU до 15 марта.
Стоимость: 1500 канадских долларов
Студентам, подавшим заявку через ЦМО до 1 марта предоставляется полная скидка на обучение.
Более подробная информация в брошюре
Strasbourg University
Кому подходит?
Области: ВШБ
Уровень: BA, MA
Количество мест: 4
Кампус: Страсбург
Английский: B2
Что важно знать?
International “European Business” Summer Program
Даты: 2 сессии:
30 мая 2022 - 1 июля 2022
9 июня 2022 - 30 июля 2022
Пререквизиты: студенты бакалавриата должны завершить минимум 2 года обучения в домашнем университете, чтобы быть зачисленными на программу
Номинация осуществляется через Центр международных обменов до 1 апреля.
Студентам, подавшим заявку через ЦМО до 1 апреля предоставляется полная скидка на обучение.
Более подробная информация в брошюре
Промо видео:
Singapore Management University
Кому подходит?
Области: ВШБ
Уровень: BA, MA
Количество мест: N/A
Кампус: Сингапур
- IELTS score of at least 6.5
- TOEFL score of at least 550 points (paper-based) or 79 point (internet-based)
Что важно знать?
Даты: 2 сессии:
27 июня 2022 - 22 июля 2022
Подать заявку до 10 апреля.
SGD 3,210 за 1 курс
SGD 5,350 за 2 курса
Студентам, подавшим заявку через ЦМО предоставляется 10% скидка на обучение.
Более подробная информация в брошюре
Программы 2021 г.
Vienna University of Economics and Business
International Summer University WU 2021
On campus
Duration: July 5 - July 23 or July 26 - August 13, 2021
Application deadline: March 15, 2021
Costs: 1,100 EUR (for non-exchange students from partner universities)
Language: English B2
The two ISUWU sessions (July and August) offer a wide range of courses both on the undergraduate and graduate levels.
The undergraduate programme consists of two courses which are taught consecutively over the duration of three weeks. Completion of the undergraduate programme is worth 8 ECTS credits.
The graduate programme consists of three courses which are taught consecutively over the duration of three weeks. Completion of the graduate programme is worth 9 ECTS credits.
Vienna Summer School of Responsible Entrepreneurship (online)
Duration: July 12 - July 23
Application deadline: March 31, 2021
Costs: 600 EUR (for non-exchange students from partner universities)
Language: English B2
A group of international and WU bachelor's students will jointly attend this online programme to learn about responsible entrepreneurship and foster entrepreneurial skills. The programme will have a strong focus on purpose-driven entrepreneurship.
The academic programme will be taught by Dr. Rudolf Dömötör who leads the core team of the WU Entrepreneurship Center and by international guest lecturers, both academics and business practitioners (entrepreneurs, investors, consultants).
Two intensive weeks are planned for the course (July 12 - July 23). Additionally, the course includes individual assignments and group work before and after the intensive weeks.
6 ECTS credits and a grade certificate will be awarded for successful programme completion.
Internationalization Strategy and Data Science (online)
Duration: in July
Application deadline: March 31, 2021
Costs: tba
Language: English B2
About: This undergraduate programme will be held in a distance-learning format and will focus on international business. The programme will take place in July 2021, and builds on WU faculty's expertise in this area.
A group of international and WU bachelor students will jointly attend this online programme to learn about international business.
The academic programmewill be taught by Univ. Prof. Dr. Jonas Puck and Assis. Prof. Dr. Thomas Lindner from the Institute of International Business as well as by guest lecturers from a WU partner university.
8 ECTS credits and a grade certificate will be awarded for successful programme completion.
University of Antwerp
Antwerp Summer University
Europe: Diversity and Migration Summer School
Duration: 28 June – 9 July 2021
Application deadline: 1 June 2021
Costs: registration fee: €300
Language: English proficiency in reading, speaking and writing is required.
4 hours per day / 4 ECTS credits each course.
The summer school is primarily designed for Master students and Bachelor students who are interested in deepening their knowledge about Europe related diversity & migration issues. Participants looking for a relevant mixture of theoretical, empirical and practical insights from an interdisciplinary perspective are warmly encouraged to apply. The summer school is open to students and graduates from different disciplines.
Applicants are required to have some prior experience with the topic of diversity & migration and basic knowledge on Europe and its institutions. In the application process, candidates will submit a motivation letter. A preparative track will be available to the participants of the summer school.
Companies crossing borders | Summer School
Duration: 28 June - 2 July 2021
Application deadline: 1 June 2021
Costs: registration fee: €350
Language: English proficiency in reading, speaking and writing is required.
3 ECTS credits each course
This summer school focuses on key legal considerations for companies crossing borders. This will be done from various perspectives including mergers & acquisitions, (aggressive) tax (planning), labour, intellectual property, insolvency, and international contracts. The summer school includes a case relating to companies involved in a cross-border take-over situation, to be solved by the students. The students' solutions are discussed from the aforementioned various perspectives.
The summer school will be taught by professors of the University of Antwerp, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain) and Bocconi University (Italy).
The programme relates to companies crossing borders, and is composed of two parts:
- Introductory lectures on key legal considerations for companies crossing borders; these lectures should enable the students to solve the case that will form the common theme throughout the summer school.
- Exercises on the basis of a case relating to companies involved in a cross-border take-over situation; to be solved by the students individually within two weeks as of the end of the lectures; students will have to submit a written report on questions relating to the case; students will be required to orally present their findings in an online discussion within one week after submission (tentative timing).
Antwerp Summer School on International Relations in a post-hegemonic world
Duration: 12 -15 July 2021
Application deadline: 1 June 2021
Costs: registration fee: 50€
Language: English proficiency in reading, speaking and writing is required.
3 ECTS credits
In this Summer School on International Relations in a Post-hegemonic World, you will take stock of the current state of International Relations – as academic discipline and as our empirical field of study. As early-stage researchers at MA, PhD or early postdoc level, you will receive high-quality feedback and input on your ongoing research project – provided by some of the finest faculty in IR from across Europe – and beyond. We are grateful to these colleagues to want to contribute to the Summer School.
By reading and discussing some of the key conceptual, theoretical as well as empirical issues confronting students of contemporary international relations, you will acquire hands-on expertise on how to handle and put to use the different perspectives from which one can view contemporary world politics.
The Sustainable City | Summer School
Duration: 12 -15 July 2021
Application deadline: 1 June 2021
Costs: registration fee: 300€
Language: English proficiency in reading, speaking and writing is required.
3 ECTS credits
This summer school aims to address the sustainable city from an interdisciplinary perspective. We assess how the introduction of technology can transform contemporary cities towards more sustainability.
The focus is however not only technology-driven innovation but addresses also socio-economic and political issues, spatial planning, and social justice, etc. All this is moreover put in historical perspective.
In concrete terms, we focus on specific environmental issues such as water and air quality, mobility, the urban metabolism and resilience, and address them in interdisciplinary seminars in which specific types of new technology are discussed in the presence of sociologists, planners, economists, historians, etc.
The summer school combines lectures by a range of distinguished external speakers and local staff from the Antwerp Urban Studies Institute and other departments of the University of Antwerp with field trips and discussion sessions.
- 1st day - Infrastructure and mobility
- 2nd day - Water
- 3rd day - Air
- 4th day - Energy and Waste
- 5th day - Social Justice and Engagement
From Mine to Finger | Summer School
Duration: The summer school takes place from 30 August - 3 September 2021 and is preceded by a preparatory module from 23 - 27 August
Application deadline: 15 May 2021
- registration fee: 300€
- Professionals: €600
Language: English proficiency in reading, speaking and writing is required.
3 ECTS credits
“A deep dive into the world of Diamonds” is an intensive summer school, hosted by the University of Antwerp (UAntwerp) and the Antwerp World Diamond Center (AWDC). Throughout this intensive programme, students will discover the world of diamonds in every aspect. Topics include the historical, geological, technical, economical, commercial and ethical perspectives of the global diamond trade. Additionally, the course offers a series of talks focusing on future trends, challenges and opportunities by focusing on innovation and sustainability in the Industry in all its facets. The course includes fascinating virtual site visits, lectures, workshops and keynotes by internationally renowned academics and professionals. This first digital edition offers the same inspiring content, innovative approach and collaborative environment as the physical version does.
Modelling infectious diseases and health economics
Duration: 6 -10 Sept. 2021
Application deadline: 31 July 2021
- Students: €300
- Non-profit: €450
- Profit: €1000
We recommend the full course, but offer the possibility to follow only the part on mathematical modelling (days 1-3) or health economics (days 4-5):
- Days 1 - 3: €200/€300/€600 (student/non-profit/profit)
- Days 4 - 5: €150/€200/€450 (student/non-profit/profit)
Language: English proficiency in reading, speaking and writing is required.
3 ECTS credits
The course consists of two parts:
Mathematical Infectious Disease Models (Monday-Wednesday) Mathematical models are increasingly used to study infectious disease transmission and reactive strategies. We handle basic concepts of disease transmission models, parameter estimation and social contact patterns. The tutorials in R range from deterministic compartmental models up to stochastic individual-based models.
Health Economics for Vaccines (Thursday-Friday) How to evaluate health interventions with the objective to obtain maximum health outcomes for a given health budget? We introduce the general concepts of cost-effectiveness and cost-utility analysis, with practical applications using R and MS Excel. We demonstrate how to generate, present and interpret cost-effectiveness results in the context of uncertainty. We discuss specific issues when evaluating preventive health care technologies such as vaccination programmes.
Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management
Solvay Summer School Programme
Duration: August 13th - 22nd 2021
Application deadline: June 30th 2021
Costs: from €490 up to €1050
Language: Proficient English level
3 ECTS credits / 20 hours of seminars
Main courses provide a broad overview of the European business environment with an emphasis on performance management and geopolitical concerns.
Participants will have the opportunity to choose a tailored option:
The Entrepreneurship programme aims to equip students who embrace the entrepreneurial mindset with perspectives on management practices and leadership with a focus on Business Models Canvas and soft skills.
Understand the impact of decisions on the financial health of professional activities. Quantitative methods and analytical skills will enable you to get a deep understanding of financial portfolio management.
Today’s institutions need decision-makers with interdisciplinary knowledge, who are capable of understanding and solving complex managerial, economic and legal problems. Understand how these fields impact each other through public intervention, social behaviors and market dynamics.
The programme focuses on gaining a global understanding of the challenges faced by the European Union in the 21st century with a legal perspective on international relations, geopolitical policies and innovation law.
Lancaster University Management School
Lancaster University SUMMER SCHOOL
Duration: Monday 7th to Thursday 17th June
Application deadline: Applications are now open, and places will be allocated on a rolling basis until full
The subjects offered in the online Summer School in 2021 will include:
Sciences and Health & Medicine - Chemistry, Maths, Physics, Lancaster Environment Centre, Psychology, Computer Science and Biomedicine
Arts & Social Sciences - Architecture, PPR (Politics, Philosophy and Religion), Social Sciences (Sociology, Media and Cultural Studies and Social Work), Criminology, History, Languages & Cultures and English Literature & Creative Writing
Business & Management - Management, Economics, Organisation & Work Technology and Marketing
University College London
Application deadline: 30 April 2021.
Session One: July 5 - 23
Session Two: July 26 - August 13
One Session - £2,165
Both Sessions - £3,900
Language: IELTS score of 6.0 (with a minimum of 5.5 in each subskill) or equivalent
The UCL Summer School is divided into two Sessions, each spanning three weeks. You can choose to attend Session One, Session Two or both Sessions.
All UCL Summer School modules are worth 15 credits in the UK system - 15 credits are equivalent to 4 credits in the US system and 7.5 ECTS in the European system. The way in which modules are assessed depends on subject area and normal practice in that particular discipline. Please refer to the individual module pages for specific details.
Upon successful completion of the programme, all students will receive a UCL transcript and certification of attendance. Furthermore, students will also be granted the status of UCL Associate Alumni.
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Frankfurt Digital Summer School 2021
Application deadline: 30 April 2021.
Duration: 2 or 4 weeks from August 2nd – August 27th
· Application Fee €50
· Academic Module €500
· Additional Course €500
· Intercultural Communication Additional Course €200
4 to 12 ECTS
Frankfurt Summer School complies with the Standards of Good Practice compiled by the Forum on Education Abroad.
Choose from 24 subject modules
TUM School of Management Technical University of Munich
International Summer School 2021
Duration: In July 19-30, 2021 – Munich
Application deadline: 30 May 2021
Application until April 30, 2021 - € 1790
Regular Program Fee: € 1990
Language: English
6 ECTS / 2 weeks classes
Sustainable entrepreneurship, with its combination of economic, social and ecological goals, is a powerful tool for tackling grand societal challenges. The International Summer School 2021 will be hosted in Munich and provide you with the theoretical and practical input you need to become a change-maker. Our objectives: Inform – Inspire – Interact!
Benefit from cutting-edge research at a triple crown accredited business school and from the rich experience of sustainable entrepreneurs.
Work with dedicated academics and sustainable entrepreneurs from different industries, including food and beverages, energy and e-mobility. Participate in interactive activities and learn how to turn grand societal challenges in entrepreneurial opportunities.
Collaborate with people from all over the world, generate sustainable entrepreneurial ideas and turn them into sustainable business models. Enjoy a unique time in Munich and its stunning surroundings and get the real Bavarian experience. The cultural program of the Summer School includes (among others): a Munich City Tour, a welcome beer garden, a hiking trip at the foothills of the Bavarian Alps, barbecue at the Isar, a sustainable wine-tasting, and a memorable farewell party.
Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Application deadline: May 15, 2021.
Duration: July 19-30, 2021.
Costs: Course fees for participants from high-income countries: € 450 n Course fees for participants from low and middle-income countries: € 250
Language: Fluency in English
The WFI Summer School 2021 - a two-week excellent virtual and interactive programme supported by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service)! The Ingolstadt School of Management (WFI) is located in the heart of Bavaria near Munich. Attend high-class academic courses on the role of firms in society, experience interactive real-world business insights with entrepreneurial champions, gain insight into German and Bavarian culture and interact with students and academics around the world. Earn up to 10 ECTS credits and obtain an official certificate. Receive a Summer School toolbox full of materials and surprises (sent by postal delivery).
Academic course programme:
Innovation and Political Economy in Economic History
Sustainable Supply Chain Management
Global Supply Chains and Firms in Developing Countries
Digital Business Models and Innovation
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
FS Summer School “The Finance & Management Boot Camp”
Online or in-class on campus
Application deadline: In-person – 30 May 2021; Online – 30 June 2021
Duration: 12.07.2021-23.07.2021
Costs: Online Only - EUR 1,950
In-Person - EUR 3,500 incl. accommodation & lunches
Students coming from partner universities will receive a discount of 25%
Language: English
· Lectures and tutorials led by FS professors & industry experts
· Social and cultural activities
· Interaction between students from all over the world
· Site visits or virtual company presentations
· Workshop on intercultural differences and competences
· (Virtual) campus and city tour
· For students coming to Frankfurt: Excursion to Heidelberg including visiting the famous castle
Bayreuth University
Bayreuth International Summer School
Application deadline: 31 May 2021
Duration: July 5th - 16th 2021
Costs: €650
Language: English
Each year, the Bayreuth International Summer School brings students from all over the world together. Taught by both German and international lecturers, the courses in the fields of applied sciences, international law, economics, and more will broaden your knowledge. The Summer School enables you to profit from an interdisciplinary approach and stimulating discussions. Available courses:
- African Studies
- Biofabrication & Polymer Engineering
- Economics & Management
- Energy & Climate
- Law: Corporate Governance, ESG and Sustainability
- Polymer Science & Engineering
- Planetary Health, Economics and Public Health
- The Black Sonic: Thinking dislocation and movement
Bayreuth Summer University for Intercultural German Studies
Application deadline: 31 May 2021
Duration: August 3rd to August 26th 2021
Costs: €659,00
Language: German
- Intensive language courses
- Specialized courses for German learners with a language level of B2 or higher:
- Journalism and Media Culture
- Business Communication
- German as a Scientific Language and European Studies
- Introduction to German Law and German Legal Language
- German for medical professions
- Test-DaF exam preparation
- Teacher training German as a foreign language
- Diverse cultural and leisure programme
You can find more information here: www.sommeruni-bayreuth.de
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
International Summer Programme in Economics Education
Application deadline: May 16, 2021
Duration: June 28 – July 22, 2021
Costs: Application fee: US$ 80; Tuition fee: US$ 2,400
Language: English
Academic hours: 60
Credits: 4
This programme, designed for advanced economics students, offers you an intensive preparation in key topics in economics and finance to help you prepare for graduate studies in the US and Europe. You will advance your knowledge of economics and research skills and learn how to prepare for application to the best universities around the world. You’ll learn from top Hebrew University faculty members and teaching assistants who can support you in developing a competitive application package to leading graduate programmes.
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Summer Programmes
Duration: two weeks in June-July
Application deadline: April 15, 2021
- Course fee: € 780 (EU residents) / € 960 (Non EU residents)
- Enrolment fee: € 80
Language: English B2.
44 contact hour per course / 6 ECTS credits each course
Students are required to be aware of the Academic Policies.
Special features:
A mix between practical and theoretical aspects, with a relevant experiential learning component (site/company visits) strictly related to the course to ensure a 360° direct experience of the subject.
Areas of study:
- Business (Milan campus)
- Marketing and Communication (Milan campus)
- Cultural studies (Milan campus)
- International Relations (Milan campus)
- Agribusiness and Food Sciences (Piacenza campus)
- Health Sciences (Rome campus)
Bocconi University
Summer School for International University Students
Duration: 28 JUNE - 16 JULY 2021
Application deadline: 30 May 2021
Regular fee - €1,400
Reduced participation fee (€1,200) for students of partner universities
1 course out of the 6 options available, each worth 6 credit points. Each course consists of 48 hours of online teaching activities, both asynchronous and synchronous.
All courses run from Monday to Friday. Synchronous activities will generally be scheduled between 2pm and 5pm CEST. The exam will be held online on the last day of the programme (16 July - time tbd).
The specific course schedule will be available at the start of the programme.
- Digital Marketing
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management
- Equity and Venture Capital Financing
- Fashion and Design Management
- International Business Strategy
- Luxury Management
UPF Barcelona School of Management
Entrepreneurship Summer School
Duration: 12 July 2021 (to be confirmed) - 16 July 2021 (to be confirmed)
Application deadline: 30 May 2021
On campus
Costs: Tuition fees:1,500€
Language: English
The Entrepreneurship Summer School will allow the participant to learn about the latest trends related to entrepreneurship with a special focus on innovative companies or start-ups and in the entrepreneurial context of the city of Barcelona.
Among others, the following topics will be discussed:
- Trends in entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurial strategy
- Inbound Marketing
- Business Innovation
- Multichannel Marketing
- Financing and financial business
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Summer School of Economics and Business
Duration: June 28th – July 23rd, 2021
Application deadline: 31 May 2021
On campus
- non-refundable application fee of 75 euros
- € 1,136.63 – 1 course
- € 1,749.13 – 2 courses
Language: B2
The Programme is divided into an Economics Track and a Business Track, each composed of two courses. You can register for one or two courses and earn 6 or 12 ECTS credits.
International Finance (6 ECTS credits)
This course aims to provide students with the skills and knowledge that will allow them to develop tasks linked to financial management in internationalized firms, and, more specifically, in multinational firms. In particular, the course will analyze the operative segments of the international financial markets, as well as its products, to get financial resources and financial instruments to hedge risks to which the internationalized firm is exposed.
Doing Business in Spain (6 ECTS credits)
The students will be prepared to plan their business and careers, manage their relationships with co-workers, bosses, subordinates, Spanish organizations, and starting a business in Spain. This course will provide the participating students with a decision-oriented framework for the development and implementation of business projects in Spain. Consequently, students will learn to analyze, select, and implement appropriate conceptual frameworks pertaining to five broad management topics related to doing business in Spain:
1. Understanding the Spanish culture.
2. Analyzing the Spanish firms.
3. Deciding to be employee or entrepreneur.
4. Knowing the negotiation processes; and
5. Adapting to the etiquette and protocol typical of Spain. At the end of the course, students will be better equipped to understand how to do business in Spain as employer or employee.
IE University
In person (Madrid, Spain) and/or online
Duration: From July 5th – July 23rd
Language: English
The IE Graduate Summer School is an innovative and dynamic programme designed for ambitious undergraduate students and recent graduates who want to expand their horizons through a radically different and innovative academic and personal experience in a world-class university. Through a challenging academic programme and enriching extracurricular activities, the programme offers a transformative educational experience, and upon completion students will receive ECTS credits. Following IE´s Liquid Learning Methodology students will have the option of doing the programme online and/or in campus according to their needs. They will be fully immersed in social and cultural extracurricular activities with everyone getting a true taste of Madrid. It is the perfect opportunity for students to experience IE’s values of Academic Excellence, Humanities, Innovation & Technology, Diversity & Entrepreneurship.
University of Alcala
Summer Virtual Study Abroad Programme
Application deadline: March 1, 2021
Duration: June-July 2021
Costs: Application Fee (Waived until May 1st, 2021) $60; Administrative Fee $200; In State Tuition for 3 credits ($295/credit) $885; Out of State Tuition for 3 credits ($1,031/credit) $3,093; Programme Fee for 3 credits $300; College Fee for 3 credits ($5.20/credit) $15.60; Academic Excellence Fee for 3 credits ($26.25/credit) $78.75.
Language: English
The University of Alcala virtual summer courses are designed for students who cannot attend the onsite programme at Instituto Franklin-UAH, but still want to take courses with the faculty and benefit from a global academic experience. Students will obtain 3 credits per course. Courses are offered through Blackboard virtual classroom where students will follow the designed schedule, as well as the activities, interaction with faculty, assignments, virtual forum, and virtual presentations. In the Blackboard classroom students will have at least 45 hours of work throughout the academic period and 7-8 hours of individual work each week.
Laval University
International Marketing: Discovering the Québec Effect (online)
Duration: June 28 - July 16, 2021
Application deadline: May 15*
*Apply via your home university.
Costs: Can$400 (3ECTS)
Language: English B2.
Experience the vibrant business environment of Québec City by exploring the impact of a French-language market in North America! Get to know Québec culture so you can incorporate it as a core component of a distinctive and innovative marketing strategy.
Discover how Québec-based companies shine on the international stage using their Québec uniqueness. Follow the example of companies from around the world that have successfully set up shop in Québec.
From the comfort of your own home, treat yourself to an interactive educational and cultural experience orchestrated by FSA ULaval, a world leader in techno-pedagogy. Come take part in these virtual classes that promote exchanges between instructors and students beyond national borders.
HEC Montréal
Mosaic Summer school on management of creativity in an innovation society
Application deadline: 19 April 2021.
Duration: from June 28 to July 9, 2021
Fees applicable to all graduate students: $2 500
The Summer School faculty members are innovative and have in-depth understanding of current management practices. Leaders from creative companies and prestigious speakers from a wide array of sectors supplement the faculty. The programme also builds on the experience of its participants, drawing out the experience of those in the class to illustrate learnings and facilitating the link between theory and practice.
The Summer School allows a mix of graduate students, decision-makers, university professors, consultants and professionals to immerse themselves in different ecosystems in order to analyze innovation processes in a comparative way.
The online edition will include lectures, seminars, keynote speakers and projects. These challenges are submitted by industry representatives. These challenges or problems become real team projects on which participants work to provide concrete solutions. The programme also includes interactive workshops to foster collaboration, experimentation and creativity.
School of management, Harbin Institute of Technology
Summer School English Programme
Application deadline: June 10, 2021.
Duration: 4 weeks. Starting date is July 13, 2021.
· Application fee: USD 75
· Service fee: USD 50
· Tuition fee: 4000 RMB/4 weeks
The Summer School English Programme will be surely conducted in English, which include communication with supervisors, professional seminars, science and technology reports, communication with Chinese students, enterprise visit, laboratory visit, Chinese culture experiences, city tour and etc. The international students will get a better understanding of the relative professional knowledge, deepen the practical recognition, and experience the Chinese traditional culture and beautiful scene of Harbin as well.
Tilburg School of Economics and Management, Tilburg University
Tilburg University Summer School
Application deadline: June 10, 2021.
Duration: July 12, 2021 - July 23, 2021
Up to 6 ECTS.
If you want to deepen your knowledge in a particular domain, or get to know an academic discipline that is different from your own, you can follow a thematic course in the field of Law, Data Management, Theology and Psychology.
Cultural Diversity: Theory and Practice (6 ECTS) - ONLINE COURSE
What can cross-cultural psychology tell you about your own cultural assumptions? Are you able to understand the unique challenges and benefits of living in a multicultural society? Are your professional or academic goals aimed at working successfully in international businesses, or in multicultural teams?
Understanding Data with R: a hands-on workshop towards becoming a data-analyst (3 ECTS) - ONLINE COURSE
Which companies are committing fraud? Which scientific hypothesis is correct? Do movie critics differ from regular consumers in their ratings? Whether it’s a fun or serious question, each of these questions require data to answer them. In this course, you will learn the two vital skills for using data to answer questions of interest: 1) data manipulation; 2) data analysis.
Justice for Victims of Conflict-related Sexual Violence and Human Trafficking? (6 ECTS) - ONLINE COURSE
Thousands of men, women and children are forced into sexual slavery or raped during conflict-situations, and/or, when fleeing conflict, are forced by human traffickers into exploitative practices en route and in the country of destination. What is done to address these crimes and are these approaches contributing to realizing justice?
Radboud University Nijmegen
Application deadline: 1 May 2021
Duration: during summer 2021
Costs: The fees vary per course
Language: English
2 ECTS credit. You have to choose your course from the list of courses.
School of Business & Economics, Maastricht University
Duration: May 31 – August 27, 2021
Costs: The fees vary per course. Min: EUR 299
Language: English
Maastricht Summer School offers courses in the summer period that are complementary to the traditional educational focus areas of the university. Maastricht Summer School increases the accessibility of knowledge accumulated at Maastricht University to anyone interested and does so at an academic level representative of the university’s drive for excellence.
BI Norwegian Business School
Application deadline: 30 April 2021.
Duration: from 21 June to late July.
Bachelor course (7.5 ECTS) - USD1,150
Two Bachelor courses (15 ECTS) – USD 2,000
Students from partner universities, will receive a 30% tuition fee reduction.
Four courses at Bachelor level (7.5 ECTS) and two courses at Master level (6 ECTS)
Possibility to take two Bachelor courses (7.5 + 7.5 = 15 ECTS) over four weeks
Lectures by highly qualified BI faculty members
Insight into Norwegian industries through guest lectures
A variety of digitally delivered social and cultural activities included.
Singapore Management University
Online Global Summer Programme
Option 1:
Duration: 4 weeks remote (online), 28 June-23 July 2021
Application deadline: 10 May 2021, 23:59 (GMT+8)
Option 2:
Duration: 2 weeks remote (online): 28 June-11 July 2021 + 2 weeks (12-23 July 2021) optional In-Singapore Programme*
Application deadline: 19 April 2021, 23:59 (GMT+8)
*Sit in at venue(s) where online classes are conducted to engage instructors. Company visits, social activities, experience Singapore and campus tour (subjected to prevailing COVID-19 conditions)
Tuition discounts: Students from SMU partner universities are eligible for a 10% discount on their tuition fees. If there are 6 or more fee-paying students from the same partner university, this discount increases to 15%.
Language: IELTS 6.5 or TOEFL 79.
Middlebury Institute of International Studies
Monterey Summer Symposium on Russia (online)
Duration: June 28 – 4 August 2021
Application deadline: March 1, 2021
Language: English B2, Russian C1
The Monterey Summer Symposium on Russia (MSSR) brings together graduate students and professionals for a summer of study at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey, California. MSSR fellows are selected from the finest Russian Studies programmes in the world; diplomats and young specialists in the field of Eurasian studies who can demonstrate commitment to the field are also encouraged to apply. Leading experts from the United States, Russia, China and Europe provide instruction with the goal of improving understanding of Russia, honing analytical skills and networking.
The Symposium offers an interdisciplinary curriculum that includes international relations, diplomacy, nuclear nonproliferation, economics, cyber-warfare, Russian literature and the arts. Among this year’s MSSR offerings are modules on international arms control negotiations, the role of science in national security policy and the formulation of U.S. policy toward Russia.
University of Turku
Turku Åbo Summer School
Duration: 6–20 August 2021
Application deadline: 12 April 2021
Costs: 45€–100€
Language: English B2
About: Choose from 21 courses on a variety of topics.
EPITECH, Graduate School of Digital Innovation
In Paris
Application deadline: May 31, 2021
Duration: July 5 - July 23, 2021
Application fees: 60€
Programme fees: 2,400€
Students from partner universities could get a discount
Language: CECRL B2 – IELTS 5,5 / 6
Toeic 600 – Toefl IBT 65
Students can also provide a certificate or attestation from their home university demonstrating their knowledge of English.
Students will receive a certificate granting them the equivalent of 6 ECTS
At Epitech, you are at the center of your learning. For three weeks, you will learn by doing, completely immersed in the Epitech pedagogy. You will work in teams to solve everyday problems in society with technology. You will leave the programme with a completed project that serves a practical use in the world. Experience the project-based learning approach and make your own Video Game with your international team! Be engaged in authentic projects tied to real-world experiences! You will brainstorm, design and prototype your own projects in Game Development with students from around the world for 3 weeks.
At Epitech, you are at the center of your learning. For three weeks, you will learn by doing, completely immersed in the Epitech pedagogy. You will work in teams to solve everyday problems in society with technology. You will leave the programme with a completed project that serves a practical use in the world. Experience the project-based learning approach and make your own connected device with your international team! Be engaged in authentic projects tied to real-world experiences! You will brainstorm, design and prototype your own projects in Internet of Things with students from around the world for 3 weeks.
Université Paris-Dauphine
On campus/online
Application deadline: 30 April 2021.
3 weeks programme: June 21 - July 9, 2021
2 weeks programme: June 21 - July 2, 2021
3 weeks programme: £1500
2 weeks programme: £1200
Language: English
The Summer School is designed across a common framework (80% of the course) and a specific track to be chosen by each student, depending on their main area of interest.
International management – core course. 20 hours per week.
Digital and innovation track - for those looking to be at the cutting edge of technology.
Sustainability management track - For those who keep their eye out for the environment.
General business management track - For those who want the full package.
Management School ESSCA
Application deadline: 09 May 2021
Duration: May 17 – June 26, 2021
Costs: tuition fee – EUR 1260.
Language: English
This course is created for students who aim to master responsible innovation development principles thanks to tools and who wish to develop their creative potential to innovate. Regardless of the type of company in which they desire to work for, they will be able to generate innovative ideas and support their creation and launch. They will be able to contribute to building a more responsible world through sustainable innovations which are meaningful for consumers.
Week 1: Define target customer
Week 2: Define consumer need
Week 3: Generate ideas
Week 4: Detect external ideas
Week 5: Develop innovation
Sciences Po
Application deadline: June session: May 3rd, 2021; July session: May 31st, 2021
Duration: June session: June 7th - July 1st, 2021 (exclusively Online); July session: July 5th - July 30th, 2021 (Online OR On Campus)
Costs: One session online: 2000 €
One session on campus: 2400 €
Two sessions, both online: 3500 €
Two session, June online & July on campus: 3850 €
Language: English/French
The University Programme offers two academic tracks in the social sciences and French language.
The social sciences track will be offered entirely online for the June session. For the July session, students have the choice to take a social sciences course online or on campus in Paris.
Given that full immersion in French language and culture is an integral part of the academic experience at the Sciences Po Summer School, the French language track will be offered exclusively on campus in Paris during the July session.
Students participating in the July on-campus session can choose to take an optional elective course.
University of Bordeaux
Bordeaux Summer School
Application deadline:
Duration: between late May and October
The Bordeaux Summer Schools programme is launching a wide range of disciplinary themes. Courses take place between late May and October and cover very different disciplines ranging from African studies to social sciences to wine sciences to advanced materials to health sciences and more! These summer schools are highly selective and target international talents. Course content offers an enriching curricular experience with, depending on the discipline, a mixture of theoretical and practical training that demands a notable level of expertise and knowledge.
Zagreb School of Economics and Management
If the travel restrictions continue to apply in June, the summer school programme courses will be held online
Duration: June 21 - July 09, 2021
Costs: 1.400 Euro
Language: English
Students can choose one to two courses from the course list that is credited for 6 ECTS/ 3 US credits. With the course of their choice, they are getting the additional course Croatian studies that are credited for 4 ECTS/2 US credits for free. Croatian studies course includes in-class hours and field trips as part of cultural education.
Lucerne School of Business
Online Summer Business School 2021
Application deadline: May 17, 2021
Duration: 5 - 7 July and 12 - 14 July 2021
Costs: The tuition fee - CHF 1,800
Language: B2 English
The programme addresses bachelor's and master's students from all over the world as well as students from the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. Students from other study programmes without previous knowledge of tourism are welcome. This online summer school combines theoretical knowledge with opportunities to meet and learn from industry experts. Students have the unique opportunity to interact with the heads of the leading destinations and companies in Swiss tourism and thereby gain unique insights into the organization, structure and success factors of Swiss tourism. The programme features online lecturing, presentations, discussions and interactive seminars on cutting-edge topics.
Estonian Business School
International Summer School
Duration: 9-19 August 2021
Application deadline: 30 June 2021
Costs: 950 EUR (scholarships available)
Language: English B2
Additional info:
In cooperation with the European Commission and Embassy of France in Estonia, EBS invites international students to mingle with a Nobel Prize winner, top Estonian and EU officials, distinguished professors and entrepreneurs.
The summer school focuses on the digital and green transformations and investigates what this means for the companies and their business models. Special attention will be given to engaging women participants and other minorities, who are historically underrepresented in global business, especially in the top leadership roles.
- Summer school will earn its participants 3 ECTS.
- EBS welcomes participation from advanced undergraduate and graduate students in social sciences, engineering, and other disciplines, who strive for excellence in global business.
- Scholarships are available.
- Most presentations are planned at EBS Tallinn campus, two days will be spent in Helsinki.
- There are several company visits planned, as well as a visit to the Estonian Parliament.
Send application to summerschool@ebs.ee
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