The Research Committee of the Graduate School of Business plans and coordinates scientific activities, ensuring the efficient spending of funds on scientific events and other issues related to the development of scientific research at the school.
The Research Committee considers and approves:
- applications to receive support for travel grants (students, postgraduates, scientific and pedagogical specialists) to participate in scientific events.
- applications for academic mobility (advanced training of scientific and pedagogical specialists).
- applications to receive support for individual research projects.
- applications for co-financing from faculty funds to hold conferences, seminars, symposiums and other scientific events.
- applications for summer schools.
- applications to organise competitions to support short-term visits by foreign specialists.
- other issues at the request of the Office for Research and Development, the Centre for Fundamental Studies and the top management of the Graduate School of Business.
The Research Committee's members are appointed on the recommendation of the heads of the main and associated departments of the faculty and are approved by the Vice Rector in charge of the development of scientific research at the at HSE University.
Required Documents for Submitting Applications and Reports:
for organising and holding scientific seminars and conferences
The applicant provides an original signed application to the secretary of the committee. The full text of the application is sent to the secretary in Word/Excel format, as well as in pdf format (a scanned copy of the original with a signature).
Applications for unscheduled conferences are accepted no later than one and a half months before the start of the event.
for organising competitions to support short-term visits by foreign specialists
Short-term visits - application
Consent form for professionals who have Russian citizenship
Consent form for professionals who do not have Russian citizenship
More information can be found here.
for organising and holding summer schools
The applicant provides an original, signed paper application to the secretary of the committee. The full text of the application is sent to the secretary in Word/Excel format, as well as in pdf format (a scanned copy of the original with a signature).
Until the application forms are updated, it is necessary to use the previously used university-wide forms to organise summer schools.
for the advanced training of scientific and pedagogical workers
The applicant provides an original signed application to the secretary of the committee. The full text of the application is sent to the secretary in Word/Excel format, as well as in pdf format (a scanned copy of the original with a signature).
Until the application forms are updated, it is necessary to use the previously used university-wide forms.
Application form for advanced training
for travel grants to participate in scientific conferences and seminars in Russia and abroad
Electronic applications for travel grants must be submitted through the user's personal account (for details, see the website of the HSE Academic Fund Programme).
Applications for travel grants are accepted no later than one month before the start of trips within the Russian Federation and no later than 45 days prior to the start of trips abroad.
Order on travel expenses per diem
The requested amount of funding for one trip, taking into account all possible expenses for a business trip (registration fees, transport, transfer, accommodation, per diem) should not exceed:
- in Russia - 60,000 rubles
- in the CIS - 65,000 rubles
- in Turkey and Israel - 80,000 rubles
- in Europe - 100,000 rubles
- in Asia - 120,000 rubles, except for Turkey and Israel
- in Australia -120,000 rubles
- in America and Canada - 120,000 rubles
- in Africa - 120,000 rubles
Members of the Research Committee
Committee Chairman
Associate Professor Department of Strategic and International Management, director Centre for Corporate Sustainability Management

Associate Professor, Department of Strategic and International Management, GSOM SPbU
First Deputy Director Graduate School of Business, professor, Department of Financial Management
Professor, Department of Operations Management and Logistics
Committee Secretary
Professor, Department of Business Informatics
Professor, Department of Operations Management and Logistics, Academic Director Doctoral School of Management
Professor, Department of Marketing
Professor, Department of Marketing
Professor, School of Sociology, Department of Economic Sociology
Visiting Lecturer

Associate Professor, Department of Finance and Accounting, GSOM SPbU