About Us
The rapidly changing world poses new challenges to business and requires new solutions. Each of our programmes is not just learning process—it is a tool for business transformation.
In partnership with our clients, we create practice-oriented and inspiring educational solutions that match companies’ challenges, purposes and opportunities.
Our main focus is to effect real changes through our programmes at the individual, company, and global business levels.
Topics and learning objectives
Digital Transformation
- possess an identical conceptual apparatus in the field of modern digital technologies
- can set and solve business digitalisation tasks
- are able to control the quality of digital product implementation
Ensuring that the leaders of tomorrow:
Operational excellence
- supporting internal transformation processes and improving operational efficiency processes
- increasing process reliability
- decreasing the level of traumatism and the number of dangerous situations
- reducing the cost price of work and increasing quality
- increasing the involvement of top managers in the process of continuous improvement
Successor Development
- developing the managerial competencies and skills necessary for strategic business management
- forming a comprehensive view and holistic management responsibility
- increasing personal managers’ efficiency
Talent Pipeline Development
- forming a deep understanding of corporate business strategy and the individual’s role in its implementation
- increasing the level of managerial maturity and willingness to act proactively
- comprehensively developing key managerial competencies
Critical Thinking
- building the decision-making process and decreasing the impact of prejudices and distortions
- organising discussions of collective decisions with a reduced risk of mistakes
- using the DDDM approach (data-driven-decision-making)
Leadership development:
Design Principles of Our Programmes

We design programmes that develop tomorrow’s leaders and are aimed at upgrading and broadcasting business strategies and corporate tools for development and transformation
Project group work facilitates the development of real projects which offer new solutions or improve current products and services
The variety of learning formats (interactive lectures, panel discussions, business simulations, trainings, business games, work with cases, benchmark visits, edutainment activities) ensures the maximum educational impact
A focus on blended learning, including traditional full-time modules and distance intermodular learning with modern digital technologies
Programme architecture may include individual and group coaching and mentoring to develop managerial potential
Executive education can be realised individually, for real or project groups, and for successors and staff
If you have a question, please call
+7 (495) 531-00-00 (28264)
or email us