Check-list for making CV
Sooner or later, each of us faced with the need to write a resume. It is not enough to write down your experience and list all the skills. After all, a resume is your business card, which can both increase your chances of successful employment, and reduce them to zero.
For writing a resume, you can use specialized constructors. Also, for a more detailed information, you can sign up for a career consultation with a Career Centre specialist and get personal recommendations.
We suggest going through the checklist developed by our Centre and making the process of writing a resume as efficient as possible.
Step 1: Preparation
Identify directions which you are interested in
Before starting market research, writing a resume and applying for vacancies, you need to answer the following questions:
1) What do I enjoy doing the most?
2) What tasks am I more interested in?
J. Holland's test will help to understand yourself, your motivators and interests. Based on the results of this test, you will get an understanding of which professional directions are most suitable for you.
Make a mini market research
Now you need to understand in which companies you can find vacancies for your chosen professional directions. Write down a list of companies that you have heard about and which seems to be a good employer. Go to the websites of these companies, to pages on social networks and career' platforms. It is important to determine if these employers have relevant roles for you.
Another way, you can find in professional social networks (LinkedIn, Facebook) people whose careers seem interesting to you. See what positions they started with, what companies they grew up from.
Consider how your education and experience relates to the job
We recommend you to make a resume for a specific vacancy. Think about and write down how your experience might be interest to the employer. If you don't have work experience yet, you can write the information about participation in relevant case championships, training projects, obligatory practice and internships.
Step 2: Writing a CV
To make up the resume header
First, choose a photo for your resume. It should look in business casual (not from a passport) way. You should not post photos in your resume that are more suitable for social networks.
Do not forget to write the full name, phone number, e-mail, city of residence.
Block "About me"
In this block, which is usually located after the information of the full name and contacts, it is necessary to write short answers to the following questions:
1) What tasks / professional directions are you interested in;
2) What motivates you at work;
3) At the junction of what professional directions your experience is = what your strength are.
In total, the block should contain no more than 3-4 sentences.
Block "Work experience"
Work experience should be writen in the format - from current to earliest. What must be writen in each place of work:
1) Company name
2) Position
3) The period of work in the format "May 2020 - July 2021"
4) Your "Responsibilities" and "Achievements / Results". Lists in these two blocks should be formatted with a bulleted list.
If you have no work experience yet, skip this step.
Block "Education"
You should write the year of graduation from the university, the name of the university, faculty, specialty. We do not recommend you to specify rates, minors, etc. in this block.
Block "Participation in cases and projects"
This block is relevant for all students, but especially for those who have no work experience.
The structure of experience description is similar to the structure of work experience description.
It is necessary to write the year of participation in the case / project, its name (for which company) and describe your tasks, your own and team results .
Block "Skills"
In this block you need to describe your hard skills (specialized and general software, programming languages, services and platforms on which you can work). It is also necessary to indicate the level of proficiency in foreign languages in the format - "English (Advanced)".
Step 3: Check your CV
Brevity is the soul of wit
Make sure your resume is clear, structured and don't conclude unnecessary information. Ideally, 1 page for students and alumni with no work experience, 2 pages for professionals.
Check your CV for mistakes
Check your CV for mistakes and typos. It is necessary that your CV is grammaticaly correct.
Show your CV to frends
Show your resume to people you know and whose opinion is important for you. Based on their comments, you can edit your resume to make it even more professional.